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Friday, January 29, 2010

Saddle, Back, Me, In, What?

I took some time off. Call it “get your head on straight” or just “life was just too busy and I needed time to connect/reconnect with some people” but yeah… time was taken off in December and January.

I read, but not at my normal level.
I crocheted but not at my previous level.
I reviewed books… nope.
I blogged…but hardly.
I wrote… well, no I really didn’t.
I researched… again, not a bit.

I did socialize and folk dance and see friends and family and move in with my boyfriend and begin the planning for a trip to London and work crazy hours and sleeeeeeeeep.

Oh and I took a mini vacation from the gym and gained 8 pounds. Yikes!

Well, it is February now. (or close enough) and I am happily getting back in the swing of things.

I hope to be back to a new book review posted once a week (shooting for Tuesdays) and some sort of “other” review –movie, TV show, album, etc- also on a weekly basis (aim is for Saturday). Again the review blog is www.perhapsreviewed.blogspot.com

As for regular blogging, well that will be an as things come up sort of thing like always. I do have several blog posts half written… about such exciting topics as IHop’s Bait and Switch, When Your Internal Organs Go Bonkers, Geriatric; not a label for just people abnymore, Cure vs Acceptance, and of course a few wacky Kay adventures (more attacking birds, the trouble with kitties and yarn, my near death by bad drivers, fun with google key words / spam, and much much more) so stay tuned.

I tried to do a “currently reading/have just read” list last year and didn’t start it I time. I am working on it again this year and will have it up soon, I hope.

Also, hope to post a few pics/notes about the crochet projects that went horribly wrong before I destroy, errr redo, them.

And then there is the writing….. the research for my fantasy novel which is so super scary I think I need to reorganize my plan of attack, the research for my sex book which just needs to get done, and the finishing of the several short stories that are currently floating in limbo land on my computer.

And last but not least, there is the continuing promotion of
my book Links. I am in the process now of getting people to actually review it (on Amazon or other blogs) to hopefully garner interest. I am also trying to get a few more readings and events scheduled. (If any of you want to help me out with this, let me know. There will probably be payment in cookies.)

So yeah.
Plate full.
Life hectic.

Wouldn’t have it any other way.

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